Welcome to the New Riven Walkthrough

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Welcome to walkthrough for the 2024 Riven remake. Whilst much is similar to the original there is much that is new - especially new areas to explore.

You will notice a severe lack of images in this walkthrough. That's because a lot of the enjoyment is discovering things for yourself - which means I don't spoil the surprise (and there are lots of them).

But I have created a cheat sheet with all the necessary clues you need.

Download the Cheat Sheet (pdf).

When you begin the Game you will meet Atrus. He explains the situation and leaves you with a linking book.

The situation in summary is: Riven is ruled over by Ghen. His meddling is tearing apart the island which are now unstable. The locals have rebelled and taken refuge and now call themselves the Moiety. Catherine has come to try and fix things but has been imprisoned by Ghen. Ghen himself is trying to get back the Dn'i. Your job is to captute Ghen in the prison book and rescue Catherine.

Don't forget to explore and look around! This is just a basic walkthrough - there is so much more to discover on Riven than is written down here.

Enter the linking book...

Temple Island

Arrive and watch events.

Exit and explore.

Go to the stairs and look over the cliff.

See thief.

Hear a noise, look up, see Maglev.

Up stairs.

Enter the round room.

See locked gate with golden dome behind.

Look through windows. You will see rotating ball, tunnel and cave.

Exit room.

Go down stairs to the left.

Examine gate.

Pull hinge pin on right and push open gate.

Up ladder look through window.

Back to the room entrance.

Press button 4 times.

Back to cave and into the room.

Exit out other side and down tunnel.

Close the steam valve.

Turn round.

Lift lever on left of doorway (something opens somewhere).

Press button on the right twice.

Enter the room and out the other side.

Examine the rotating ball. See the icons stamped into the metal.

Turn round to face the doorway, on the left is a walkway with a small telescope.

Look into the telescope and see the icons.

You need to press the button on the top when the icon for the island aligns with the matching icon on the dome. If you have a play you might get lucky!

Go back to the door.

Lift the lever on the left and press the button twice.

Into the round room and out the main entrance.

Press the button twice.

Cross the room and out to the golden dome.

In the centre is a linking book. Note the 5 canisters with tubes and the button on the right with the 5 white dots.

Now walk round the outer walkway.

See the 5 icons. One of them overlooks the rotating ball: a circle with a dot.

Keep a note of all the icons and the islands you can see - they are really important to solving the puzzles of Riven.

Go down to the lower level.

Out the first door and round to the right.

Follow the path and over the bridge.

Open the door and into the room.

Sit on the chair.

The left lever opens a door (always useful).

The right lever lifts and lowers a bridge (leave it down).

Leave the room and back to the dome.

Go to the next door.

Outside is a long bridge. Pull the lever on the right to close the steam valve. Oops.

Back to the round room main entrance.

Press the button 3 times.

Out to the rotating ball and the telescope on the right.

Press the button when you see the correct icon (circle with a dot).

When the ball stops go inside.

Things happen...

Starry Expanse

Down the ladder and go to the lowest level.

See the 4 other golden hemispheres.

Press the blue button on the left to align the central platform.

Go take a look if you want.

Back up the walkway until you get to the marble machine.

Pull the lever to the left, centre and then right.

Press the button.

Things happen and there is a whoosh.

Back up to the ball and return to Temple Island.

Temple Island

Back to the main entrance and press the button twice.

Go to the centre of the dome.

See one of the dots on the button and one of the cannisters are both lit.

Exit the dome and out over the bridge.

Down the tunnel and open the door.

This is the temple.

Exit out the main door.

Press the blue button and wait...

This is the Maglev - the main means of transport between the islands.

Climb on board and sit down.

Move the left lever to rotate the Maglev.

Move the middle level to set off.

Jungle Island

Exit the Maglev.

This is the largest of the 5 islands and there is much to do.

Enter the tunnel.

See the water pool on the right, the water trough and the totem.

Up the tunnel and outside.

Go down to the beach and see the whales sunning themselves.

Go left to the bucket on the ground.

Look up and grab the lens.

Look down at the bucket and you can now see the paint. You will also see the butterflies are white.

Put the lens away.

Back along the beach and up the steps on the far side.

Go to the totem.

Use your lens and rotate the wheel until the white marks align.

Note the position of the segments in the centre.

The segments change each time you visit Riven!

Turn to the tree using your lens to see the blooms. Interesting...

Now go down the tunnel.

This is the Moiety village.

Your path into the village is blocked.

Go down the stairs to the School Room.

Inside go to the table on the left.

The game will teach you the Riven numbers. Pull the ring and count the drops. The number symbol appears in the little window. When the little figure gets eaten by the animal the game resets.

Download the cheatsheet to get all the numbers..

Examine the sheet next to the game.

This is a look up table for the Riven and Moiety numbers.

You need to fill in the gaps to get the full set of Moiety numbers.

Note the number for the tree totem.

The cage at the front of the room seems to show Ghen when you turn the handle.

Leave the schoolroom.

Return to the village.

Along tunnel to the tree.

Down to the beach.

Back up the stairs on the left.

Go right into the tunnel.

Go to the totem.

Use your lens and rotate the wheel until the white marks align.

Note the position of the segments in the centre and the corresponding Moiety number.

Look up with your lens.

See the paint.

Look down at the water and see the reflection.

Turn to the trough.

Open the tap and wait for the water to drain away.

Quickly look down with your lens and see the fishy reflection.

You now have a number and associated creature.

Back up the tunnel and go right.

Climb to the top.

Cross the bridge (look right to see the fifth island).

The jungle has been cleared away.

On the left is a fissure.

On the right is a gap.

Go to the totem.

Use your lens and rotate the wheel until the white marks align.

Note the position of the segments in the centre.

Turn left and you can see the butterflies form the shape of another animal.

Use your Moiety chart and connect the animal shape to a number.

Look left and see the slope down to a wooden cart.

Back onto the path.

Through the gate and down the stairs.

Through the tree tunnel.

Go left down the steps.

Follow the path.

Go to the totem.

The wheel is missing. How annoying.

Use your lens to see the white paint.

Move about until you can see the animal (the lens changes colour).

Back up to the main path.

Look up to see the rotating dome.

The path forks left and right.

Go right and down to the shrine.

You have now seen this same creature here, in the temple, schoolroom and water pool.

Back up and go right.

At the next junction go right and down to the village.

Your way is blocked.

Go the metal platform.

See the ladder. Use your lens on the door. It's that creatureagain!

Go back up the tunnel and straight on.

You will eventually return to the forested area.

Go to the wooden cart near the totem.

Climb on the back and pull the lever.

Boiler Island

Climb down.

Go to the middle of the lake.

Move the lever to the central position.

Go to the boiler.

Go to the controls.

Turn the wheel (the water drains away).

Move the lever on the left to the right (powers the next step).

Raise lever next to window (lifts the platform).

Move lever on the right (turns off the gas).

Go to the door.

Enter the boiler.

Down the ladder and up the pipe.

Climb path and note the rotating ball down below.

Go to balcony.

Pull lever to unlock hatch.

Down ladder.

Go to middle of the lake.

Move lever to the right.

Back up the ladder.

Open the doors.

Enter and close the doors.

Go down the stairs.

Open the door.

Enter and close the door.

Go down hidden tunnel.

Look into the telescope.

Press the button when you see the correct icon (circle with vertical line).

When the ball stops go inside.

Starry Expanse

Down the stairs to the lowest level.

Turn the wheel to extend the bridge.

Press the blue button to align the central platform.

Back up the walkway to the marble machine.

Pull the lever to the left, centre and then right.

Press the button.

Things happen and there is a whoosh.

Back up to the ball and return to Boiler Island.

Boiler Island

Exit the ball and climb the stairs.

Go right down the tunnel.

At the end go left and along the rock path.

Turn on the pump. If this pump doesn't start you need to move the lever in the middle of the lake to the right.

Climb down the ladder.

Go to the rock wall on the left.

Use the hammer to collect a rock ball.

Take the ball to the hopper on the rail cart.

Turn the wheel and go for a ride.

Exit the rail cart.

Turn the wheel off to the left to lower the elevator.

Get back on the rail cart.

Engage the lever behind the wheel.

Turn the wheel to go up.

Ghen's laboratory

Lots to see and do in here.

Get the rock and exit the elevator.

Go to the second bench on the right.

Drop the rock in the righthand machine.

Turn handle to split the rock.

Move marble to the left machine (it floats).

Move the canister on the left out the way and read the notes.

Move the slider on the machine to a low value.

Lift the handle and press the button.

Increase the value and repeat the test.

When you get the correct value the marble will glow, the needle is vertical and you may hear a bell.

Use the calibration sheet to get the correct value for each island (this changes with each visit to Riven).

Go to the table to your right.

Open the trap and see the tree frog (same shape the butterflies made on Jungle Island).

Read Ghen's journal on the next bench.

Go to the opposite bench.

Use your lens on the totem part.

Note the position of the segments relative to the white mark.

Get the moiety number and associate with the creature you saw in the jungle.

Unlock and open both doors.

One leads back to the balcony where you began.

The other goes to a MagLev.

Go to the MagLev and travel to Survey Island.

Survey Island

Exit the maglev.

Note the door on the other platform.

Up the stairs.

Along path to elevator.

Out onto the observation platform.

Press button to open cover.

Arrange the tiles so they fit in the central square.

Note the position of the marbles. Really important!

Press marbles to see the islands.

Turn round.

Go through elevator.

Go to the telescope (which is leaning over).

Press the button to stop the ball (circle with horizontal bar).

Enter the ball.

Starry Expanse

Up the stairs to then end.

Extend the bridge using the wheel.

Press the button to align the walkway.

Up more stairs to the marble machine.

Pull the lever to the left, centre and then right.

Press the button.

Things happen and there is a whoosh.

Back down to the ball and return to Survey Island.

Survey Island

Exit the ball.

Go to the elevator.

Duplicate the marble positions on the code pad and go down.

Exit the elevator.

Go to the viewing platform.

Use the lever on the right.

Rotate using the outer rings.

Click the icons to see the lights.

Get the colours for all 6 icons.

Use the lever on the left.

See views of various Riven location including Catherine in her prison.

Climb down.

Back to the elevator and go up.

Back down the path to the MagLev.


Exit and go out the door.

Pull the lever.

Enter the elevator.

Press button to go down.

Exit elevator.

Follow the man...

Call the MagLev.

Leave Survey Island.

Jungle Island

Leave the station.

Press button.

Move lever the middle position.

Go up.

Pull lever to open the ramp.

Check your location.

Move lever the top position.

Go up.

Go forward then right.

Go to the telescope.

Press the button to stop the ball.

Go to the ball and enter the Starry Expanse.

Starry Expanse

Go down the ladder twice.

Extend the bridge and align the walkway.

Go up the ladder to the marble machine.

Pull the lever to the left, centre and then right.

Press the button.

Things happen and there is a whoosh.

Don't leave the starry Expanse just yet.

You can see 5 golden hemispheres.

You have been to four of them but there is no way to access the fifth from Riven (I've tried everything).

Go to the central structure.

Look at the sphere with the engraved markings and flashing lights.

You should be able to see the icon for the fifth isle (eye with a dot).

Go to the controls.

Rotate the bar horizontal.

Turn the wheel until the engraved line with the correct icon is aligned with the pointer.

Rotate the bar vertical.

Turn the wheel until the engraved line is horizontal and the icon is above the line.

Rotate the bar horizontal.

Turn the wheel until the icon is aligned with the pointer.

Step back and go to the marble machine.

Pull the lever to the left, centre and then right.

Press the button.

Things happen and there is a whoosh.

Go to the golden ball and leave the Starry Expanse.

Prison Island

Climb down the ladder.

Go left onto the beach.

Follow the path to the totem.

Use your lens and rotate the wheel until the white marks align.

Note the position of the segments in the centre.

Go to the post with the Riven knives.

Pull down the viewer.

Look through the lens on the top with your lens.

Note the fishy icon and equate this with the Moiety number.

Go up the ladder.

Follow the path along the roots.

Go up the ladders.

Meet Catherine and listen to her instructions.

All the way back to the metal walkway.

Go up the stairs and into the building.

Examine the mechanism on the right.

Listen to the sounds for each button (tick trill, bell).

Exit the building.

Go left up the stairs to the telescope.

Use the button to stop the ball.

Go to the ball and return to the Starry Expanse.

Starry Expanse

Go to the central platform.

Change the alignment back to Jungle Island icon (eye with a slit).

Go to the golden ball.

Leave the Starry Expanse.

Jungle Island

Go round the back of the ball.

Go up stairs.

Open door and enter the building.

Pull left lever to rise up.

Pull right lever to close the floor of the structure down below.

Go back down.

Take the tree elevator back down to the MagLev station.

Rotate the MagLev.

Exit and go round the rocks to the chamber at the end.

Go up the tunnel on your left.

Move the lever to extend the platform.

Climb into the submarine.

Move the peg to the top right position.

Push the lever on the right.

Enjoy the ride.

Exit the submarine.

Turn the wheel to extend the bridge.

Follow the path and lower the bridge.

Back along the path and up three ladders.

Go left.

Up ladder.

Follow path and lower the bridge.

Back along the path and up ladder.

Follow path all the way to the reservoir.

Move funnel to the middle.

Open the spout.

Wait for the tree to bloom.

Back down the path to ladder in the shade.

Go right and follow path to the tree.

Use your lens to see the beetle.

(you may need to check the totem if you have forgotten the number).

Back to the village.

Down one ladder.

Follow path to where you fist climbed up.

Go left and follow path to the steam.

Close the mouth (recognise the creature?).

Look down to see steam.

Back along path.

Down three ladders.

See the steam and the water vortex.

Back to the submarine on the island.

Move the middle lever to the right.

Move the peg to the bottom right.

Push the lever on the right.

You can exit the sub and see what's at the bottom of the ladder.

Back to the submarine.

Move the lever to the left.

Move the peg to the top right.

Push the lever on the right.

Exit the submarine and run round to the dock.

Down the ladder.

Go to the door.

If the door isn't open wait for a rush of steam.

Enter and go down the tunnel.

Go to the totem.

Use your lens and rotate the wheel until the white marks align.

Note the position of the segments in the centre.

Look up and you will see the painted insect in the chimney.

You should now have six numbers from the totems and six corresponding animals.

If you haven't you need to go get them now. There are five on Jungle Island and one on the Prison Island plus the clue in Ghen's lab. The numbers you get in the classroom.

Up the tunnel, out the door and up the ladder.

Go to the submarine on the island.

Move the peg to the bottom left.

Push the lever on the right.

Exit the submarine.

Press the bottom button.

When the elevator arrives press the middle button and jump on board.

Go to the door and see the prisoner.

Turn wheel on the right.

Go to the jail cell - no prisoner!

Use your lens to examine the walls.

Press the tip of the blade.

Enter tunnel.

Follow the trail with your lens.

Turn round and flick the marbles (there are 6).

Push the door on the left.

Go down to the secret chamber.

This is where you need those animals and numbers.

You should have a beetle, fish, flea, whale, frog and whark (but not in that order - each game is different).

Put the animals in the right order from one to six.

Now lift the stones in the same order.

Wait for the book to appear.

Enter the linking book.


Turn round and examine the totem.

Watch events.

Wake up and go to the door.

Go to the window.

Listen to Eti.

Take the books.

Read Catherine's journal.

Go to the door then window.

The cell door opens and you can leave.

The linking book takes you back to the secret chamber.

Jungle Island

Leave the secret chamber and go back up the tunnel.

Close the rock door to reveal the escape tunnel.

Slide the handle in the wall and exit into the village tunnel.

Catherine's journal gave you a clue as to how to get back in.

Make your way back to Temple Island.

Temple Island

Go to the dome.

Go to the central platform.

Check the five lights are lit around the button on the right.

If not you need to check you have charged all the marbles. Use the lights up above and the icons in the windows to identify the missing marbles.

Press the button.

At the upper lever raise the lever on the left.

Place the five marbles in the correct locations.

Use the island icons and the clues from Survey Island: the colours from the underwater viewer and the marble map on the observation deck.

Now set the slider.

Calculate the values using the notes Ghen left in his laboratory, the island icons and the colours from from the underwater viewer.

When everything is set pull the lever down and wait for the press to close.

If the button isn't lit something is wrong with your settings.

Press the button, there is more noise and steam and you descend once more.

Touch the linking book.

The 233 Age

Trapped in a cage all you can do is wait.

Once Ghen has finished his speech enter the Prison Book.

Ghen will eventually follow releasing you.

Put the book away!

Go down the ladder.

Read the diary.

Pick up and open the cryptex.

Listen to and note the sequence of sounds.

This changes with each game.

Climb back up and exit out the door.

Explore - there might be a surprise in the fire pit.

Back to the building.

Move the lever to drop the cage.

Start the furnace.

Leave via the linking book.

Boiler Island

You arrive in Ghen's laboratory.

Take any route you like to Prison Island. The fastest is to use the ball on Boiler Island and align the central platform to Prison Island.

Prison Island

Down the ladder and into the building.

Enter the code from the cryptex and pull the lever.

Enter the elevator and go up.

Listen to Catherine.

Wait for the elevator to return (might need to press the button).

Go down and open the ball.

Starry Expanse

Align any of the other icons.

Leave the starry expanse and make your way to Temple Island.

Temple Island

Go to the control panel near big brass telescope.

Check there is steam coming out. If not you need to close the steam valve in the round room tunnel.

Enter the code from Catherine's book (convert the Moiety numbers into Rivenese).

Download the cheatsheet to get all the numbers..

Pull the lever down.

Move the lower lever to the right.

Move the lever left until the crane is above the telescope.

Move the lower lever to the left.

Push the lever up.

Watch what happens...


Firmament Obduction Scratches MystMyst II: Riven Myst III: Exile Myst IV: Revelation Myst V: End of Ages Uru - Ages Beyond Myst Uru - To D'ni Uru - Path of the Shell Dark Fall - The Journal Dark Fall - Light's Out Rhem Rhem 2 - The Cave Rhem 3 - The Secret Library Reah Schizm Riddle of the Sphinx The Omega Stone Amerzone Zork - Nemesis Zork Grand Inquisitor Hype - Time Quest

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